From: "Mr.Richard Mark" <>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2018 16:58:44 +0100
Attention: Prominent Internet user, How are you today? We hope this mail me=
ets you in a perfect condition. This is a total cash prize of United States=
$500,000.00 given to the first TEN (10) people compensated in this WORLD I=
NTERNET PROGRAMS. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide W=
eb site through computer draw system and extracted from over 50,00 companie=
s worldwide. We are using this opportunity to thank you for using the Inter=
net daily. Due to your effort, using Internet daily, we want to compensate =
you and show our gratitude to you with the sum of $500,000.00 only, We have=
arranged your payment through our swift Card centers, which is the latest =
instruction from First US Bank Reconciliation Office {First US Bank}. The C=
ard center will send you an ATM Visa card which you will use to withdraw yo=
ur money in any ATM machine, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the worl=
d; you are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you=
are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail to the Logistic Department by =
email listed below. Your ID: 345HE45 Claim Number: 809366E Contact Agent. M=
r Mr Richard Reese with below e-mail; Compensation Office and Logistics Vau=
lts E-mail: Contact Agent: Mr Richard Reese Mobile number: +=
1240-532-2704 Your Receiver's: _______ Your Country:__________ Your Telepho=
ne No:_______ Your Address: _________ Your Age:__________ Your Occupation T=
hanks and God bless you and your family. Hope to hear from you soon. Yours =
Sincerely, Copyright 2018 WORLD INTERNET PROGRAMS=20