Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 18:40:59 -0600
It is known by scientists studying Alzheimer's that this disease generates a failure in the brain cells that is characterized by progressive damage. However, at present, the reasons why it is presented are unknown.
It is thought that, as in other chronic diseases, Alzheimer's does not originate from a single cause, but many factors are responsible for its appearance, such as age or genetic aspects.
It has been concluded that the factors mentioned above are one of the most common features found in patients with this disease; Even so, several additional risk factors have been identified. Below I will explain in detail the various causes tha
t have been identified as triggers of Alzheimer's.
The factor related to the Age You have to understand that Alzheimer's is not a normal consequence of aging. However, the greatest risk to develop the disease occurs in people with advanced age. After 65 years of age the risk of suffering from this condition doubles in periods of 5 years.
After 85 years, the risk of suffering from the disease can approach 50 percent. Family background
Another of the widely known risk factors refers to the family-type background.Multiple investigations
have determined that those people whose parents or siblings have Alzheimer's, are very likely to develop this disease. Naturally, the more family members are affected by the disease, the risk increases considerably. Genetic factors
There are two categories of genes that have a high influence on the development of Alzheimer's. The deterministic genesThe risk genesRisk genes are those that increase the chances of developing the disease but its existence does not imply that it is present. One of the risk genes that causes the greatest impact in the development of this disease is the APOE-e4 gene.
To understand it in a simple wa
y, I will explain it to you like this: We all inherit from our parents various types or copies of the APOE gene, so that those who inherit a copy of type APOE-e4 have a higher risk of suffering from this disease. After several studies, two important discoveries have been made:
The presence of this gene in a person can cause Alzheimer's to develop at a younger age than usual. The APOE-e4 gene is present in about 25 percent of the Alzheimer's population.The deterministic genes are those that are presented as a direct cause of the disease, which implies an immense probability that those who have them develop this condition.
It h
as been found that only a few hundred families spread throughout the world present the deterministic genes that cause Alzheimer's, which causes that only about 5 percent of patients with Alzheimer's are "heirs" of these genes. The presence of the deterministic genes as in the previous case, causes that this disease has an early development, which can start between 40 years of age and mid-50s.
The discovery of the various genes that are responsible for causing Alzheimer's has provided the specialists with very important clues to understand many aspects of this disease. This type of "trigger" genes affect the production of proteins that are usually found in brain plaques and in turn increase the risk of cell death in th
e brain.
Understanding the risk factors that I mentioned in this article is a vital point for you to deal with Alzheimer's effectively. Therefore if you want to know more really useful information about this disease and likewise if you want to start a proven method to attack it by the roots, I recommend visiting the site: [Your affiliate link]
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Por Su Felicidad,
 Especialista en Salud, Autor de “Revertir el Alzheimer™”
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