From: "Mr. Jeff Campbell" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 07:52:17 +0000
Subject: Attn:
Jeff B Campbell Senior Accounting Officer Rand MerchantBank South African D=
ate: October 24 2018 Dear Sir, I'm Jeff B Campbell, a Senior accounting off=
icer at RAND MERCHANT BANK. I am on quest for a business associate. I gathe=
r my source of Contact to you from the United States Embassy here in South =
Africa. I was directed to get into contact with you, over my business trans=
action. Hence, be rest assured all is pretty well. Earlier on 26/June/2014,=
A group of Islamist terrorist by name "Al-Shabaab" took advantage of the n=
ational security insurgency and attacked a city in Cape Town. The incident =
took the life of several residents having twenty one (21) body bags (16) we=
re brutally injured during the bomb attack. On record to the sad event, sou=
rces confirmed, Late Engr Mr/Mrs. Christopher Butros, were among the attack=
ed that claimed both life's and other body bags on attack by the terrorist =
gang in the Northern Region of the Federal republic of South African. My pu=
rpose of contacting you, is for you to stand as a relative to Late Mr. Chri=
stopher Butros, who was a Constructive Engineer on a contractual business w=
ith the Government of South Africa. According to file, Late Mr. Christopher=
Butros, had with South African Reserve Bank a sum of $10 million United st=
ate dollar and his Estate. As a matter of fact, all effort to locate his im=
mediate family proved abortive since he was only here on a contract with th=
e South African Govt, Federal Ministry of Work and Urban Development Counci=
l (FMWUDC) on a four years contract. Therefore, I am asking you to stand in=
as the NEXT OF KIN. I will defend you to the bank. I have shared the perce=
ntage right of the Fund into this applicable ration, I will go with $42% an=
d you will have 48% while the other 10% will to any charitable organization=
of our choice. I have before now done some underground work, to safe guard=
you through and after the finality of these transaction. Hence, do not pan=
ic. All will surely go in through. In conclusion, all I require of you is y=
our maximum trust in honesty to enable us see this deal through. Thus let u=
se this opportunity wisely. On the other look of things, if you feel uncomf=
ortable in helping me I will advice you divulge me so that we do not encoun=
ter any slow down while in progress. I anticipate your response, kindly get=
me your on this email for proceed : Y=
ours' Faithfully Jeff B Campbell