From: " xecutive " <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 02:14:59 +0200
Subject: Re: Transfer Confirmation.
Re: Transfer Confirmation.
Please i want to inform you that your fund was brought to our desk, of $4.8=
Million dollars, but it seems as you don't want to speak or write back to u=
s. However, One Mr Johnson visited my office, with a Beninios lawyer with a=
pplication of claim over your USD$4.8Million dollars with this financial in=
Please, do confirm to us, as matter of urgency if this man is really from y=
ou so that this office will not be held esponsible for paying wrong person.=
Based on board of directors meeting today, they have concluded to approve =
the payment on his favor since you failed to fulfill the obligation given t=
o you by the wire transfer Department, to process your payment. Therefore, =
if you are really serious and willing to receive the first $4.8Million doll=
ars through Diplomatic delivery, kindly get back to us and we will work wit=
h you to complete this your long awaited fund, so you are to effect the pay=
ment processing fees so that you will start expect your USD$4.8Million doll=
ars via over night delivery.
Since the Payment processing fee is $560 in my concerted efforts to actuali=
ze your fund payment with the convenient time schedule I will raise $400, s=
o I am expecting $160 from you today. As an insider in this Financial Insti=
tution, I must assure you that once you have provided to the Bank with thei=
r demands, they would now be under legal obligation to transfer the funds =
to you within 24hours once we confirm this $160. YES you must receive the d=
elivery within two working day, after you have send the $160.
I will like you to co-operate with me to retrieve this legacy payment left=
behind than allowing the government of this country to forfeit it. I belie=
ved it is a life time opportunity which every reasonable human-being will n=
ever allow to slip by. We do business each day with an absolute commitment =
to ethics, honesty and credibility.
Confirm your details.
Your full name:
Your full contact address:
Your Occupation/Age:
Direct telephone number:
EMAIL FOR CLEARANCE: ( / gttimothy65@gmai= )
Am waiting for your urgent response.
Mr. Mark Timothy / Miss. Linda M. Blowers
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer