Facebook Online Lottery Program 2018
From:The Desk of The President
International Promotions/Prize Award
Lucky Number:23456895718
Ticket Number:5647600564789
Batch Number:255123/8872/244
Serial Number:463743451907
Congratulations From Facebook:
We are pleased to inform you of the result that just concluded annual final draws held on the (November 15th 2018) by the Facebook Group in cash promotion to encourage the usage of Facebook World Wide,And your name was among the 20 lucky winners who won $3,000,000.00 USD (Three Million United States Dollars Only) each on the Facebook Group Promotion Award attached to Lucky Number (23456895718),Ticket Number (4647600564789),Batch Number (255123/8872/244) & Serial Number (4637434551907).
The Online Draws was conducted by a random selection of email you were picked by an advance authomated random computer search from the Facebook in other to claim your winnings prize $3,000,000.00 USD,The Lottery program which is a new innovation by Facebook,is aimed at saying a big thank you to all our users from making Facebook their number one means to connect ,communicate,relate and hook up with their families and friends over the years.
And this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants and scam artists all participants were selected through a computer ballots system drawn from over 20,000 companies ' and 30,000,000.00 individuals ' emails addresses and names from all over the world.
This promotional program takes place every three years.You have to be rest assured that this is real and 100% legitimate... and there are some scam artists around.....Thanks to the FBI...216 of them have been arrested....The Software Corporation to encourage some few individuals with web site and email addresses promoted this lottery.
In other to claim your winning prize you are to Reconfirmed your profile details in which the Facebook Board will make use to get your Winning Certificate and all Necessary document available for you before they can release your winning Funds to you today.
As soon as you forward your details info to Facebook Lottery Payment Desk via (diplomaticdavidjohnson@diplomats.com) your winnings will be deliver to your home address today.
Full Home address:
Country: :
Mobile Number:
Email Address:
We need all the information because a lot of people lied to us and claim to be the real person that is the reason we ask for your information for security purpose so you need to be honest with us now.
Note:All winnings must be claimed not later than (November 30th 2018) . and After this date, all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. To avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences. Furthermore, if there is any change in email address please contact us on.
As soon as he gets your email with all the information stated above he will tell you on what next to do as regards the claiming and receiving of your winnings of US$3,000,000.00.
Thank you and More Congratulations.
Agent Name:Mercy Jones for CDAA
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