Garanti Bank In'l
Istanbul Turkey.
Dear Sir,
Following series of complains from Citizens of the United States, Canada as well as Citizens of Other Countries in Europe and Asia over the discrepancies and fraudulent ways in which fund transfers are handled by Africans which has made it impossible for a lot of People to claim their Winning or Inheritance funds from most African Countries due to frauds and illegal activities.
At the recently concluded meeting with the World Bank , the United Nations and Association of South East Asia countries , an agreement was reached on 30th of June between our Bank GARANTI BANK Int':l, Turkey and all parties concerned for us to settle all outstanding payments accrued to individuals/corporations with respect to local and overseas contract ,
Inheritance payment, debt re-scheduling and outstanding compensation payment. Fortunately, you have been selected alongside other beneficiaries to receive their part payment of $10.5million (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only). We have been notified that you are yet to receive your fund valued at $10.5million This money will now be transferred to your nominated bank account directly from our bank here in Istanbul Turkey.
You are advised to kindly reply this email URGENTLY with the below details enclosed to help us process your payment;
(1) Full Names:
(2) Residential Address:
(3) Country of Residence:
(4) Age:
(5) Phone/Cell Number:
(6) Occupation:
Yours faithfully,
Baris Kaan
Director of Foreign Operations
Garanti In’l Bank Istanbul Turkey.