From: "Mr.Fred" < >
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 16:32:32 -0700
United Nations Association - UK.
In-conjunction with United Nations
Human Rights Organization Dept, UK.
3W Whitehall Court,
London,SW1A 2ELB
United Kingdom .
Fax: + 44 207 000 138.
Attn: Please.
Please Listen carefully, after the scanning of emails communications on August 30th,2018 through the U.N International Fund Monitoring Gadget as stipulated in our protocol of operation, we confirmed that you have become A victim of scam with different Banks Impostors/Fraudsters of which your e-mail happens to be among the listed email addresses found in the Scam Victim database by our detectives here in UK.
Actually, we discovered that you have been scammed out of your hard-earned money by the Impostors/fraudsters from UK, Africa, Canada, SWitzerland and Few ASIA Countries, ETC with the use of different Banks Names with the promise of paying or releasing your overdue payment.
Now to put a stop on the Fraud practice going on all over the world today, please note that we have had a meeting with the World Bank President and U.S President Donald Trump and we concluded that their shall be no advance fee payment from beneficiary's before receiving his/her approved part payment valued $10M from the United Nations World Organization Bank account with TD Bank in New Jersey,USA while we are still fighting to recover the Balance of your payment from the Country Origin of your Fund.
Please For your information, this new development was introduced by the Head of the U.N Fund Monitor Policy and U.S President Donald Trump with the World Bank President and FBI Director, Mr.Christopher Asher Wray and it has been signed and Approved by the International Court of Justice (I.C.J) as the World Court.
Now, since all fees will be deducted from the fund before disbursing payment into beneficiaryâs nominated bank account.
You are advised to reconfirm the below information which I will forward to TD Bank in New Jersey,USA for Immediate Release of your payment.
Your Full Name:...........................
Your Full Residential Address:.......................
Your State............................................
Your Country.......................
Your City...........................................
Copy of your valid Passport or Drivers License ........................
Your Mobile Phone#.................................
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Fred Carver .
( Head of Fund Monitor Policy ).