The Board of directors of Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters in conjunction with the Financial Stability Board hereby irrevocably agree that the beneficiary your email address is listed in our file as you are to be compensated with the total sum of US$3,500,000.00 (Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars only) prior to the fact that our scam verification department confirmed that your email address was among listed SCAM VICTIMS.
Sequel to the final agreement, we would like to use this medium to notify you that your compensation payment is approved, and we have mandated China Citic Bank Ltd to release your fund to you.
Kindly ensure that you submit this Fund release copy to China Citic Bank international correspondence email address alongside your claim documents issued to you in the past as that will stand as a proof of claim. We advise you immediately to contact us by email address below and also fill the form for proper verification.
1- Your full names:
2- Your full contact address:
3- Your Birth Country:
4- Country You Now Live:
5- Your Age/Date Of Birth:
6. Male/Female
7- What Is Your Job:
8-Your Mobile Phone Number:
9-Your Reachable Email Address:
Contact Person: Jennifer Ling
China Citic Bank Ltd.