From: "Mrs. Malonie Jefferson" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:21:58 -0700
Subject: E-mail Winning Notification !
Attention: Email Account Holder
Congratulations!! Congratulations!!
Are you the correct owner of this email? If yes, then, be glad this day as the result of the Russia World Cup 2018 Online Lotto and email address free-ticket draws of the , 2018 Promotion Award has been released and we are glad to announce to you that your email address came out in the first category and entitles you to claim the sum of $650,000.00.
It is a promotional Program from FIFA in Conjunction with the World cup sponsors like Visa,Gazprom,Coca-Cola,Adidas,Hyundia-Motors to advertise for the upcoming RUSSIA FIFA WORLD CUP 2018. Your email address was entered for the online draw on this free ticket number:6657887687 with reference number SAJA2C110P5 and Serial number SA5365/3 , Batch number XA87-2PY,drew the lucky numbers: 04-09-20-22-29-38.
This subsequently won you the Award in the 1st category i.e. matches 6 lucky numbers.
You have therefore been allocated to claim a total sum of $650,000.00. (Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand U.S Dollars Only) in cash is credited to file SAPC/9080144308/05. This is from a total cash prize of $20,250,000.00 Shared amongst the 16 with (2) lucky winner in "1st" category.
This promotion was drawn based on email address as the key identification for setting up online accounts. All valid email addresses in the World Wide Web Draw used/participants for the online email promotion version were selected randomly via computer balloting from a global website collaboration with internet companies like eBay, Pay Pal, Liberty Reserve, Google and other means whom also built their systems and based their membership registration identity on email addresses supporting this computer draw system done by extracted email addresses from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies and advertisers listed online. This Online promotion takes place via virtual ticket balloting and it is done for Russia World Cup 2018.
Please note that you’re lucky winning ticket file and number falls within our Russia/United States booklet representative office in London as indicated in your ballot played coupon. In view of this, your $650,000.00 would be released to you by our payment department.
Contact our Fiduciary agents immediately to commence release of your Award Winning prize by providing details.
Ms. Malonie Jefferson
Controller General Copyright (c) 2018Russia World Cup online Lottery International Promotion Inc. All rights reserved.