Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 04:59:25 +0200
Greetings from NAOS FINANZIARIA .S.R.L.
We wish to invite you to Join our principle office, NAOS FINANZIARIA .S=
.R.L..which is a financial service company, whose main focus is to crea=
te the right regulatory and legal framework for the financial service f=
irms to operate within our jurisdiction in order to assure the develop=
ment of a sound financial company with the highest national standard o=
f best business practices ,NAOS FINANZIARIA .S.R.L. is one of the large=
st Finance Company in the European Countries, with over $5trillion pri=
vate and corporate investment portfolios.
We are privately looking for fiduciary agents and management experts wh=
o will be willing to act as investment portfolio holders and administr=
Also involved in the referral business, promoting financial service ins=
titutions, and providing finances, loans, sponsorship, joint venture or=
procuring investments projects that have not been initiated With over =
$5 trillion private and corporate investment portfolios.
Currently have a back-log of an Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (=
EMRCP) of an average of 1.2% on each private investment and corporate =
portfolio under our administration and control now to put it under the =
management of private businessmen and corporations with good business =
ideas that can generate at least 10% ROI per annul over maximum of 10 =
years duration. The fund will be disbursed based on a clear loan of 3.=
5% interest rate per annul for 10 years renewable.
All sign-up contracts, briefings and investment portfolio management fi=
les will be handled in United Kingdom, USA, EUROPEAN, and UAE.
If you want to participate do indicate the part which you choose to pa=
- Want to be an Agent/Broker?
- Investment Offer?
- Do you need a Loan?
- Partnership/Incorporation?
For further details contact me directly for more information.
Best Regards,
Piero Lorenzo
Chairman/Director NAOS FINANZIARIA .S.R.L.