From: "AA Kenneth " <>
Reply-To: "Mr Kenneth " <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 01:10:17 +0900 (JST)
Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States
Jurisdiction: United States of America
Address: 2120 W 8th St #200,
Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA.
The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States (FCSC) is a quasi-judicial, independent agency within the U.S. Department of Justice which adjudicates claims of U.S. nationals against foreign governments, either under specific jurisdiction conferred by Congress or pursuant to international claims settlement agreements. Funds for payment of the Commission's awards are derived from congressional appropriations, international claims settlements, or liquidation of foreign assets in the United States by the Departments of Justice and the U.S. treasury.This is Mr Timothy J. I like you to know that your Fund $1.5 Million dollars has been release to us by the UNITED NATION OFFICE With IMF in Conjunction With the FBI AND CIA to release your funds amount to you.It is our pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Serial Number;4577_9324_6316_0548 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 1500.Which you are to contact Mr James Kenneth for your Deliver, the ATM Card Value is $1.5 MILLION USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $10,000 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day and we are duly Inter Switch and you can make withdrawal in any Inter Switch location and ATM Center of your choice.I want to give you some tracking listed for other people who have Received their own ATM CARD through our service and right now they are all enjoying it with no complain cheek this tracking listed by typing our (website) Ã then put 1(2896411641) 2 (2896411652) 3 (2896412061) 4 (2897840175) This people has already received their own CARD
Your are to Re-confirm All Your Current Home address, phone number and Your name To the DHL Delivery Company to avoid Mistake in your Delivery
DHL Contact Information
Name Mr James Kenneth
Timothy J.
For: Team of Auditors.
Washington DC
The FCSC's regulations may be found at Part 500 of Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations.