I have paid for the delivery fee of $399.00 of your parcel to the FedEx Courier services Malaysia.
They promised that your parcel will leave immediately they received your re-confirmed information to avoid wrong delivery.
Now contact them with your detail information below. The only money you will send to the FedEx is for official security keeping fee which is $35 per day to enable them settle the security department of their company and deliver your parcel direct to your home address in your country which you will forward to FedEx in the below contact information soon ok.
Contact Person: Mr. Steven willems
Their E-mail
Their Phone number: +601151603024
Here is the requested information needed by the Director of the FedEx Diplomatic Division which they instructed me to email you to provide for them while contacting them for easier identification when the diplomat arrives in your country ok.
Kindly re-confirm to them the following information:
Your full name: ______________________
Your complete address______________________
Name of city of Residence: ___________
Country: ___________________________
Your direct cell phone number: ______________
Nearest airport: _____________________
I registered it with the FedEx Courier Company in the name of Computer accessories as its content and I didn't let them know that it contains bank draft in the amount funds of US$8million because of fear of betrayal or to avoid the Diplomat man made away with your ATM card containing the sum of $8Million ok.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Edward Rogers.