From: Jason Hammond <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 20:14:52 +0700
Subject: PROJECT RE-PROFILING Dear Confidant My name is Jason Hammond, a professional engineer who is interested in establishing some capital investments within and outside our country, but with your assistance and expertise. We would be happy to work with your
esteemed person or company in this capacity. We solicit your partnership in a multi million dollars bid repayment proposal for contract in Iraq I shall offer you more details when I am in receipt of your acceptance/consent email. I shall also let you know
the following * How I will introduce you/your company to the holding Ministry and make you the beneficiary of the funds. * Who I am and why I have decided to sought for your assistance. *What percentage of the money I am willing to give you for your assistance.
Kindly respond with your private phone and fax numbers for easier and faster communication. We would appreciate if you send a positive response to us on to enable us send you full details of the contract bid.Only when we hear from
you in this box we know you are serious to deal. Jason Hammond
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