From: "Damian Curry" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 11:12:52 -0700
Subject: ***SPAM*** ATTN DEAR,
Guaranty Trust Bank Plc reaffirmed its position recently making me the New Bank Manager,
The leading global brand with its recent recognition as the Best Bank for CSR in Europe, Middle East
and Africa This position was given based on our collective efforts and hard work to the growth of
the bank In recent years, during an annual comprehensive audit we found the sum of about 4.5 million
dollars lie dormant, we decided to contact you to know if you are willing to reactivate this account then
have the money remitted into your personal account, so we can create an online bank account and also
give an instruction in which you will have to follow to facilitate your funds immediately within 24 hours,
Provide the following information below:
Full Name..
Phone number..
ID card..
Sorumluluk Reddi
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Thank you for your collaboration.