From: " Donald Michael Ellison Foster" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2018 16:48:43 -0700
Dear Friend;
I hope this letter finds you well.
If you can handle the experiment as shown in the Attached Video we will work together for future benefits. First and foremost, I will send $250,000 [Two Hundred and fifty thousand-USD] worth of the attached "GREENISH CARDSâ to your address for cleaning and confirming the authenticity of the money realized through this process with your bank before we proceed.
I have Ten Million Dollars-US worth of the attached Greenish-Cards all in $100 Bill note although the video shown was with $20 Bill. These Cards are original USA dollars bills coated/ defaced with greenish substance for successfully delivery out of my country, and for profitable investment in your country. Hence I am still an active politician, and so long I cannot do Bank transfer of this money to any outside bank account because we are not allowed by Law to operate a foreign account. My Chinese scientist used this greenish-coated means to move the fund abroad. Coating of the funds with greenish substance does not make it fake. Actually, the entire coated funds if cleaned will amount to US$10-Million. I contacted you because I can easily ship these Cards successfully to your address without REQUEST from you to contribute âA CENT OF DOLLAR. All I want is your trust and transparent honesty to abide positively. On 1st February, 2016 I shipped $6-Million worth of these Cards for cleaning to someone I meant to have establishments with but along the line he disappointed me. He cleaned the entire money and ran away with it and his whereabouts is still unknown till date. I have found it difficult to trust again but I just want to GIVE you a try.
CONCERNING THE CLEANING CHEMICAL CALLED "SPRAY-CODE: The Airline that delivers the Cards, which also supposed to convey the Spray-Code refused in the sense that, it was classified as NOT AIR WORTHY. On this note, it cannot be transported from Country to Country. Which is the more reason I write to ask If you any idea about handling the production of dangerous-flammable chemicals? If you do, I will send you the formula to prepare the chemical [Spray-Code] all by yourself and in your House for use in cleaning these GREENISH CARDS. But on the other hands, if you have no idea of chemical mixtures, I suggest you forget about it in view not to set the entire city ablaze. The production process of this cleaning chemical called "Spray-Code" is dangerous, but when finally prepared, it is human friendly, no fumes, odorless, colorless, non-repugnant, non-repulsive, non-corrosive, and non-flammable.
Alternatively, when you have no idea of chemical productions there is a Spray Code sales company in your country, which I can link you to get a cheap one we can start with. A survey has it that Cards Worth $250,000.00 , which is meant for a start can be cleaned by a Spray Code worth of $2,000 [Two Thousand Dollars only]. ["The name and contact of the Spray Code Company withheld by me pending your acceptance of my offer.] The Spray-Code Company use two days to deliver any items bought from them. I will reward you with 30% of the 10-Million USD, while 70% still comes back to me, which you will assist me invest in any lucrative business in your Country. There is no risk factor in this as far as I can guarantee. I want us to start this low key, little by little, which means get the "spray code of $2000, while I shipped the CARDS worth $250,000 [Two Hundred and fifty thousand-USD] to by clean by you and use the money to purchase bigger quantity of the spray code for cleaning of the entire fund of $10-Million.
I understand that you may feel somehow discouraged, but I ask that you reconsider before resigning; take note, in my many years as a successful businessman, I learned best during those times when things went tough; is really the time of breakthrough if you never give up. And I have some advice you may find valuable. I think you have a natural talent which is an asset to us as co-worker in this project.
VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: Do not ever request that I should send you the CARDS first before you buy the Spray-Code because the chemical combination of the spray code production statistics determines the temperature the Cards will be shipped to you for maximum enhancement. On the other hands, when you buy the little spray code, the company will issue you a receipt of payment which contends the chemical production combination of the Spray Code. That alone will guide me on how to ship the 250k Card to your address. The reason being that, once you get the SPRAY CODE, you are required to check on the "instruction manual" , Copy out the Chemical-Combination-Code and send across to me, as that will enable us fine-tune the CARDS-storage facility to tally with the Spray-Code Chemical-Combination for effectiveness during the cleaning process. Spray Codes varies in chemical - combination - Codes for certain chemical reasons.
If you are in agreement, kindly send the following below while i guide on the Chemical Company to contact to get the Small Spray Code for a Start,
[A] Your Name
[B] Your Phone
[C] Your Address
[D] A copy of your identification
Should you have any idea to decline this offer, kindly delete all our email communication as that may tarnish my humble image? I will send you my profile on getting your response; no third party is needed on this as we do not know who to trust. I trust only you for this.
I greatly appreciate the time taken to read this letter and look forward to your urgent response in addressing the matter squarely.
Donald Michael Ellison Foster.