Attention: Sir/Madam,
Your compensation has been approved through United Nations mass assisted project funds, you have to respond as soon as you receive this message because we have your compensation file submitted by UN external auditors in Switzerland and we have not heard from you, Federal Bureau of Investigation and United Nations/European Union, International global security watchers reported different degrees of scams and their mouthwatering proposals. as you are well aware many foreigners have invested thousands of dollars into West Africa, Nigeria, Spain, Ghana, London, Malaysia, Indonesia E.T.C.
As directeded by Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. António Guterres, we have agreed with the American Government that your compensation funds should be release without any further delay, based on the instruction given to us to affect the compensation payment funds via ATM CARD by United Nations mass assisted project funds.
However the tracking number of your ATM CARD will be issued to you to follow up the movement of your ATM CARD when it will arrive designated address, we guarantee the receipt of your ATM CARD to be successfully delivered to your home address, You can make withdrawal in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you in any part of the World, please reconfirm the following details below to avoid any wrong delivery over this transaction.
1. Your full Name:
2. Delivery Address:
3. Your Direct Telephone Number:
4. A Copy of your ID or ID Numbers for Identification:
5. Nationality
6. City
7. Sex
Reply back to us accordingly; we wait for your expedite response.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. James Richard