From: "Mr. Zerge Zabu" <"www.">
Reply-To: "Mr. Zerge Zabu" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 21:39:07 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Dear Customer, From Western Union Money Transfer Agent,
Dear Customer,
We are happy to inform you officially that we received approval letter today from Federal Ministry of Finance Office, authorizing our Bank to program a total sum of $2,500,000.00 USD and pay you through our western union transfer system for your easy pickup and warned against any unforeseen delay that could make your fund not to get to you in a timely manner.
The Federal Ministry of Finance chairman (Engr. Idriss L. Daouda) have submitted your payment file to the Benin Consulate for screening and all data have being confirmed correct to pay you a total sum of $2,500,000.00 USD as a result overdue contract payments so far. We have been advised to send you $4,500 USD every day because Western Union laws here in Benin Republic can only transfer a maximum of $4,500 USD every day to you.
We have today transferred your first US$4,500.00 available for your pickup at any western union office in your country, but still on hold due to the unpaid activation fee of $105 which you supposed to pay before your transfer will be posted to your country for pickup.
For your convenience check your first $4,500.00 installment transfer online at clicks TRACKING and fill the bellow information on the space provided at western union website.
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) 8841765812
Sender First Name: Innocent
Sender Last Name: Nnatuanya
You will pickup the $4,500 USD at any western union office in your country after 20mins you send the $105 activation fee of your daily installment account. You are to send the activation fee today on our bellow information through Western Union or store close to you:-
Receiver's by: John Adaa
City & Country: Cotonou, Benin Republic
Text Question: Faith
Answer: In God
Amount: US$105
As soon as you transfer the activation fee, send us the transfer MTCN on our bellow contact information to enable us receive and proceed with immediate transfer release of your $4,500 USD today.
Attention To: Mr. Zerge Zabu
Office Tel: +229 62813779
Thanks for using our service while we wait your kind response,
Mr. Zerge Zabu
Accountant Suppervisor
Diamond Bank Western Union Department
Telephone: +229 62813779