From: "Mr Jason Caramel" <>
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2018 06:26:26 -0500
Subject: Read And Understand
I am Mrs. Beatrice Fitzergald, Director in charge of the compensation to scam victims. We received a report from the Internet Crimes Complaint Center (IC3) after conducting a Back track forensic investigation amd the report clearly revealed the reason why your long awaited funds have still remained unprocessed even after so many payments.
Cyber investigations shows that your Payment file has been infected with a trojan 889 virus which ensures that you keep receive repeated billings which has been the core reason why you keep getting billed and keep paying without receiving what you are paying for.Records also show that urgent steps need to be taken to have this dangerous virus removed immediately, to avoid identity theft due to stealing of key log information linked to your bank acount, usernames and passwords, as well as secondary infection of people you communicate with.As we speak, you are open and vulnerable to further virus attacks and your urgent attention is needed.
You need to contact our Head of Security, Mr Jeffey Hawkins, at the security department of the IC3 Security surveillance department:
Mr Jeffrey Hawkins
Internet Crimes Complaint Center
Counter-terrorism Division and Cyber Crime Division
ICC Headquarters
532 N Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77091, USA
Mon-Fri(9AM TO 5PM)
Sat: 9AM TO 4PM
Tell him about the security threat on your file so he can give you clear guidelines on what is required to process the deactivation of this virus.
As soon as this trojan is removed, your $3.5 Million USD will be fully cleared for cash out within 24 hours.
Yours sincerely,
Gerald Fitzergald
Director of Payments