Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 07:46:01 +0000
Ahoj muj drahý prÃteli,
Vezmete prosÃm na vedomà tuto poÅ¡tu vážnou, i když jste neocekávali. Doufám, že se ti darÃ.
ZajÃmalo by me, jsou mé dopisy chybne spadajÃcà do vaÅ¡eho spamového adresáre?
Již jsem vám dvakrát poslal e-mail a toto je muj tretà e-mail, ale stále vám ješte žádná odpoved nedostala, je tato e-mailová adresa již nefunguje?
S vážným respektem se uprÃmne omlouvám za to, že jste zasahovali do vaÅ¡eho soukromÃ, a to zejména proto, že vás touto cestou kontaktujete pro obchodnà transakce tohoto rozsahu, ale vzhledem k jejà závažnosti a naléhavosti bylo proto nutné, abych hledal vaÅ¡i pomoc. Láskave me kontaktujte prostrednictvÃm své soukromé e-mailové adresy, kde najdete dalÅ¡Ã podrobnosti o prevodu 8 milionu amerických dolaru, které zanechal muj pozdejÅ¡Ã klient, státnà prÃsluÅ¡nost vaÅ¡Ã zeme.
Chci vás predstavit jako prÃÅ¡tà prÃbuzný mému pozdejšému klientovi, protože jste mého pozdeho klienta obdržel stejnou prÃjmenÃ. Dám vám potrebné údaje o této transakci, jakmile slyÅ¡Ãm od vás.
S pozdravem,
PrávnÃk Leslie Davids
Hi my dear Friend,
Please consider this mail serious despite the fact that you did not expect it. I hope you are doing well.
I am wondering, are my letters mistakenly falling into your spam folder ?
I have sent you an email two times already and this is my third email to you but I still have not received any response from you, is this email address no longer functioning?
With all due respect, i sincerely apologize for intruding into your privacy, especially by contacting you through this means for a business transaction of this magnitude, but due to its seriousness and urgency, therefore it became necessary for me to seek for your assistance. Kindly contact me through my private email address for more details on the transfer of 8 million United States dollars left by my late client, a nationality of your country.
I want to present you as the next of kin to my late client, because you bear the same last name to my late client, I will give you the necessary details of this transaction, as soon as I hear from you.
Lawyer Leslie Davids