From: "J.V" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 04:01:22 -0800
Subject: 22/12/2017
Dear Sir,
I am aware that this letter has come to you as a surprise as we have not met before or handled any business deals in the past. Nevertheless, I have contacted you with genuine intentions and I hope I can trust you with this Inheritance opportunity which will be explained below.
My name is Javier Reciardo, an account manager with Inversis Banco (Madrid, Spain).
I retrieved your contact in my search for the next of kin to a deceased customer of our bank Mr. Fred Bala , a citizen of your country, who lived and died in London from Cardiac Arrest in the year 2006. Unfortunately this customer died intestate leaving his bank account with an open beneficiary status. All efforts made by our bank to locate his relatives have been unsuccessful so I decided to write you as I have monitored this account in the bank for over 10 years now and no one has come forth with any claims. I would like to present you to our bank as his next of kin to claim this dormant account worth $6.9 Million USD (Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand US Dollars).
You will apply to the bank as an extended relative to the deceased customer while I work from the inside to make sure all needed information and evidence are provided to you to back up your claim. The account has an open beneficiary status, which is why I have contacted you to come forth and claim the funds as the next of kin and beneficiary. Since he is from your country and you both share the same last name, its easy for you to become his official next of kin. If we do not make a claim to the funds now, the funds would be reverted back to the system as an unclaimed estate at the expiration of a 10 year dormancy period as approved.
I assure you that this transaction would be handled under due inheritance procedures and every necessary arrangement will be put in place to make you the real beneficiary of the Inheritance. It also requires all confidentiality at this stage and I believe that you are ready to keep this absolutely discreet until you are able to claim the funds from the bank. Once the funds are released to you, it will be shared between the two of us.
Please send your response to my personal email indicating your readiness to proceed with this transaction and we will discuss more details as well as the procedure to achieve a successful completion. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and people achieve it every day.
I await your response
Javier Valls Riciardo.