From: "National Westminster Bank" (may be fake)
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 18:56:27 +0100
Subject: Urgent Alert
Dear Customer,
We've detected a numbers of failed log in attempts on your online account. Don't worry, failed log in attempts are generally caused by an incorrect pin or password being used. Maybe you've recently changed your password or pin and forgotten to update it in a mobile device, tablet or laptop that you also use for your online account(s).
For your personal security, we'd like you to confirm and update your account personal information. But before you do this we need you to turn off any other device (mobile, tablet or laptop) that you may also use to access your online banking account(s).
Once you've done this, you're ready to review & update your account personal information with us, but remember after you've updated your personal details, it's very important that you then update each of the devices you use to access your online account.
It's possible that your account may have been compromised. For your security, we have temporarily disabled access to your account(s). Such as (Receive payments, Make payments or withdraw funds). To restore your account access, kindly follow the secure reference button given below.

Best Regards
NatWest Online Security Alert Team
How does it work?
If we detect either of the reasons above, we may decide that we want to confirm that it's really you. You must complete all steps otherwise you will not be able to use the online service until we have completed additional security checks. Only individuals who have a NatWest account and authorised access to Online Banking should proceed beyond this point. For the security of customers, any unauthorised attempt to access customer bank information will be monitored and may be subject to legal action.