From: "Mr.Reben Maxwell" <"Maxwell.">
Reply-To: "Mr.Reben Maxwell" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 20:52:50 +0900 (JST)
Subject: I am Mr.Reben Maxwell the Bank Accountant here in AFRICA
DEVELOPMENT BANK, Republic of Benin.
I am Mr.Reben Maxwell the Bank Accountant here in AFRICA DEVELOPMENT BANK, Republic of Benin.
Your file has been in my office since last three weeks for an investigation, then after my investigation on your file I found out the cause of the delay over your payment and the reason your fund has not been released to you upon all your effort.
Sincerely to the best of my investigation and the truth of the matter this fund is existing with your name as the beneficiary of the Fund. And I went deep and found out the reason why you have not received your payment. I found out that you did not execute any contract here in Africa, win any money or inherited any Fund in Africa even in London or US.
The simple truth there is that some officials here in Africa used your name to move this Fund out of Africa to your account, and they have succeeded in getting some Document’s in your name as a foreigner owned by African Government, win or inherited some money here in Africa.
My main reason of contacting you now is that Since your name was among of those owned by African Government, I want two of us to finalized this deal, I will assist you and guide you on how the money will transfer directly to your account I will still guide you on how the tax will be paid and the funds will be transfer to your account, with condition that you will keep the whole secret only for two of us.
Contact me with your full information directly to my private email address at ( )
Get back to me for more Information on how to finalize this deal with you and it is risk free.
Mr.Reben Maxwell.
Call Phone +229 9908 0192