Attn :Sir/Madam.
I believed my letter will meet you in good health and your finest mood ? my name is Mr .Williams Eke ,I am an auditor , I am seeking your co-operation in the execution of a deal that would be of mutual benefit to both of us .Please I urge you to keep it a top secret due to the confidential nature of the transaction.
Note very recently while carrying out the bank internal auditing , I discovered an abandoned/ unclaimed fund amounting to USD$25.200.000 .00 (Twenty five million two hundred thousand United States Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our deceased foreign customer, late Mr. Paul-Louis Halley.
Paul-Louis Halley was a French businessman who part-founded the retail company Promod�s, which later merged with Carrefour. Much of his fortune came from his 11% stake holding in Carrefour. He was estimated to have a fortune of $2.2bn, putting him at 104th on the Forbes World's Richest People list in 2003. He died in a plane crash on the 6th day of December 2003.Paul-Louis Halley founded the retail company Promod�s in 1961, along with his father and brother. The company merged with Carrefour in 1999, with Halley as the principal shareholder .Please visit this wikipedia page below for more information about Mr. Paul Louis Halley: