From: James Wrench <>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 14:08:27 +0100
Subject: Good Day My Dear Friend.
Good Day My Dear Friend.
I am James Wrench. A family researcher and member of the Federation of
Probate and Asset Researchers LTD (FPAR) United Kingdom.
We are detectives Heir Hunters looking for distant relative of a
deceased person without the precise contact details of family members
regarding unclaimed funds, deposited in a bank in Scotland,United
The Federation of Probate and Asset Researchers LTD (FPAR) is a
state-controlled holding organization to search for missing heirs or
foreign beneficiaries who can claim a specific sum of £9,000,000.00
(Nine Million Pounds Sterling) belonging to a client who died
The search for the foreign beneficiaries of this unclaimed inheritance
was proven unsuccessful, after several unsuccessful attempts to locate
any of the deceased family members.
I decided to follow the deceased's family profile on the Internet to
locate any of his family members or distant relatives and i came
across your email.
Instead of losing the funds. I seek your consent to present you as
beneficiary of the unclaimed funds and a relative of the deceased.
I guarantee you that this transaction will be executed under a
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from violation of law.
because i have all the necessary legal documents that covers the
filing, to authenticate and certify you as the legitimate next of kin
of the deceased..
I need your assistance to claim this funds, before the Scots could
reverse the money as public funds.
You will receive 50% from the total sum,as a reward, while 50% will be
mine. I need is your cooperation and honesty, to enable us claim this
funds,for our mutual benefit.
On your Interest: kindly contact me through my email:
Mr. James Wrench.