Northman Law Firm,
International Corporate & Business Law Firm federal capital city Abuja
Nigeria.Securities Corporate Finance & Business Law Domestic and
International Business Practice.
Attention Dear,
How are you doing today? Hope you are doing great, Thank you.
My Name is Barrister, Edward Clinton, I am originally from United States of
America with Northman Law Firm and Real Estate solicitors Abuja Nigeria, We
have a deceased client an American Citizen,member of Gulf States and
member of Nigeria Government Oil & Gas Finance, who died Atif, and left a
Sum Amount of(USD$27,000,000,00) Twenty-Seven, Million United State
Dollars in a Foreign Account under our Law Firm,he bears the same surname
with you.
Since his death I have received several letters from the Bank where he
deposited the fund before his death, to provide his next of kin or any of
his relatives who can make claim to the funds before the end of the Month
or the Bank will be left with no option than to confiscate the fund and
turn the money back to the state as it has been marked unclaimed, Contact
me if you are interested this is a deal between me and you, again we have
only two weeks to move this fund out.
Please provide me your information Details as listed below:
Full Names: -----------------------------------
Sex: -------------------------------------------
Age: ----------------------------------------------
Contact address: ------------------------------
Occupation: --------------------------------
Phone number: ---------------------------------
Country of Origin: -------------------------------
Thanks Best Regards,
Barr. Edward Clinton
Northman Law Firm provides sophisticated and comprehensive advice to
companies and individuals in their day-to-day business, in Libya,Nigeria
Egypt, South Sudan, Ghana USA, London, combining high quality legal
services with a direct relationship with the clients our personalized
attention, competitive.