From: kelly martins <"www.">
Reply-To: kelly martins <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 21:39:33 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Attn: My Dear
Attn: My Dear
We have arranged your payment of ($1.5Million) One Million five hundred thousand united state dollars Previously in ATM payment card to be sent to you through western union money transferpayment:
Your payment will be sent to you via western union. The amount you will receive per day is $7,000 The minister trust funds and IMF boards of Benin Republic will send you the current standard track details you will need to pick up your ($7,000) payment by western union, you will receive every day till you receive the $1.5Million united state dollars, now no need to send you this ATM card because you can not be able to withdraw the ATM card due to the atm master card contain large money on it.The director administrtor trust funds has already signed your payment, now you are free to comply with wemaco payment office on this email:( however, kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your payment by western union per $7,000 a day.
MR kelly martins western union department
The financial western union payment center has been mandated to issue out your payment and you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitchesin receiving your payment.
Note that the administrator payment need this details from you to process your payment and the only money you will pay is the processing and administration fee which is only $150 usd before you will start receiving your fund.
Receiver's Name__cyril obyno.
Republic. Country _Benin Republic
Question: To Whom
Answer: Ife
Amount: $150 US dollars
now because as soon as you send this required details to MR kelly martins he will start sending your payment by western union.
And contact him with your full information.
You’re name...............
Phone no...............
a copy of your id....
MR kelly martins