From: "Mrs. Kate" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 22:03:11 +0000
Subject: hi
Hello My Dear Friend.
How are you over there in your country? I believe you are fine and my emai=
l meets you in good health. I am much delighted and privileged to contact y=
ou again after all these time, it takes destiny and courage to remember Goo=
d friends like you and at the same time show gratitude to you despite the c=
ircumstances that made us separate and disrupted our transaction, which ult=
imately did not work out as we had projected then. The good news is that I'=
m happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred w=
ith the co-operation of a new partner from London. I use this opportunity t=
o inform you that the transaction finally worked out and I am contacting yo=
u to let you know of the success. I will be very busy here in London at thi=
s time due to the projects I have at hand with my new partner.
I have left a VISA CARD of 450,000.00 EURO with the Rev. Father sesay Fern=
andez in Dakar Senegal for you. I will like you to accept this token with g=
ood faith as this is from the bottom of my heart for your efforts and contr=
ibution as at then in the past to help me. I really appreciated your tremen=
dous effort and contribution to start off and make things work to the stage=
you were unable to continue. However, an arrangements has be perfectly con=
cluded to effect your payment as soon as possible via by ATM VISA CARD whic=
h he will send to you by any of the courier service of your choice. This ca=
rd will functions in any AUTOMATIC Machine in your Country and any other pa=
rts of the world and you be allow to withdraw the sum of US$49,999.00 Dolla=
rs per Day as well you will be able to use the card to pay bills online and=
do transfer to your personal bank account through our online guiding, as w=
ell you can purchase stuffs online with the Card we issue to you as its sec=
ure and safe, We have also concluded delivery arrangement with an accredit=
ed courier service Company to be fully insured by Nicon Insurance Corporati=
on (NICON) to oversee the delivery of the ATM Card to you without any furth=
er delay. In view of this development, you are requested to immediately con=
tact the revered father who is now Rev. Father sesay Fernandez since the o=
ld Revered father has be posted out of Senegal.
So If you are less busy you can contact If you are less busy you can cont=
act the Rev James Samuel for the cheque i left with him.
His E-mail address is as follow,
Email Address: (
His Telephone Number (+221783732945)
Contact him immediately with this message via his email:(revsesayfernandez= so that he can deliver the cheque to you immediately. I have in=
structed Rev. Father sesay Fernandez to send the bank draft to you as soon =
as you contact him without any delay. He is waiting to hear from you so tha=
t he can send the cheque to your house/mailing address or office address in=
formation as you may direct him. Thanks,
Greetings from Kate.