From: Richard Goodman <"WWW.">
Reply-To: Richard Goodman <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 12:40:34 +0900 (JST)
Subject: GOOD DAY
WU® Cash Transfer
Office address:No 455 paperbark carer ranee,
carefree turbocharger Road Cotonou,
Benin Republic.
Dear Customer,
This is to inform you that we have sent your first payment of $5,000.00 (Five
Thousand dollars) through western Union. as we have been given the mandate to
transfer your full compensation fund of $5.7 Million Dollars via Western Union
by the IMF.I called to give you the information through phone but we could not
reach you even this morning.
So,I was instructed to email you the payment information which include
Reference (Money Transfer Control Number) and sender's name,so that you can
pick up your first payment of $5,000.00 to enable us send another payment of
$5,000.00 by tomorrow as you know we shall be sending you only $5,000.00 per
because that is the maximum Amount permitted on a day.
Here is the information to pick up your first payment of $5000 through Western
Union store close to you
Reference Number (REF): 8258568130
sender first Name: Richard
Sender Last Name:Tenison
Text question ;God
Text Answer: Saves
(Reference) 8258568130
Amount: $5,000
Track it with this link: us/en/self-service/app/ tracktransfer?s_tnt=96340:0:0
You cannot be able to pick up the $5000 now because your payment must be
Activated in your location before you can be able to pick it up.The Activation
will cost you $175 only.
can reach me on +229-6631-2085 Thanks for choosing our western Union.
Sign: Richard A.Goodman
Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Mr.Richard Goodman
Email: (richardgoodman.org99@yahoo. com)