From: "Mr. Larry Ego" <"WWW.">
Reply-To: "Mr. Larry Ego" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 01:41:31 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Attention,
This is to officially inform you that we have written to you before without getting respond from you and we believe that our previous mail did not get to you therefore we write to you again. We noticed that some people have been extorting money from you claimed to have been in position for your transfer which has caused you unnecessary delay in receiving your Draft ,Cheque, card (ATM)
Now your fund has been approved by the only authorized body (West Africa Fund Monitoring Unit) to be transferred via Master Card which can be cashed any ATM Machine in the world. We hereby inform you that your card valued $7.8 Million has been credited in your favour, therefore, stop further discussion with anybody who might contact you again or has been communicating with you. You should re-confirm your information for security purpose to avoid wrong delivery as stated below
Receiver's Name_______________
Phone Number_____________
Note: delivery agent will leave this country as soon as you comply with (Courier)Company requirement, call the verification officer in charge of the delivery Mr Christopher Ifechi +229 99 59 52 58
Waiting for your kind response
Thanks for your anticipation
Mr. Larry Ego,