From: <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 03:57:18 +0200
Paseo De la Castellana, 162. 28046-Madrid
Departimiento de aprobaci=F3n del premio no reclamado
Tel Oficina : +34-605-325369
Correo Electronico:
Fecha: 14/09/2017
Ref: UBLES/100/ESP
At=E9n: Mr. / Mrs. =
Payment Approval
This is to officially inform you from the ministry, about the release of t=
he =201CINTERNATIONAL ELGORDO AWARD PROGRAM=201D held on the 31ST of August=
, 2017, the results were released on the 13TH of September, 2017. Your emai=
l was entered as a dependent client with reference number: UBLES/100/ESP an=
d the batch number: 80076, =
Your ticket number: 317.2 with serial number: 53401-64 drew the lucky numb=
ers: 05-08-10-13-14-22. This subsequently won the lottery in the 1st catego=
ry. You have therefore been approved for a lump payment of (=20AC 19,090,90=
redited to file claim number; 2212/20914/2017. This is from a total cash pr=
ize of =20AC210,000,000.00 Euros (TWO HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION EUROS ONLY) s=
hared among eleven international winners in the same category. Congratulati=
All participants were selected through a computer email ballot system draw=
n from 31,000,000 (Thirty one million), names and emails from, Asia, Europe=
, South and North America as part of our International promotions program w=
hich we do conduct once every year. We hope your lucky name will draw a big=
ger cash prize in the subsequent programs ahead.
Your fund is temporary deposited and protected with insurance bond policy =
coverage on your behalf in a Spanish bank in Spain. And due to irregular pr=
actices of some unscrupulous elements, we recommend that you keep this awar=
d strictly from public notice until your prize has been processed and your =
funds remitted to you through any means of your choice as this is part of o=
ur security measures to avoid double claiming.
Contact your claim=2019s lawyer Abogado Pedro Blanco Vazquez, the foreign =
operations Lawyer of Vazquez Abogados Madrid, Spain on Tel: +34 900 838 409=
/ +34 665 442 070 and Fax: +34 911 235 750. Email: / process and claim your prize imm=
ediately. and your prize must be claimed before 30TH of September, 2017, af=
ter which every unclaimed funds will be returned to the Ministerio de la Ec=
onomia y Hacienda as unclaimed funds.
Also be informed that 5 % (Five percent) of your winning fund has to paid =
to Vazquez AbogadosCompany for serving and representing you in Spain, you w=
ill pay them the 5 % (Five percent) onlyafter you have received your prize =
money because, the fund was insured in your name.
Congratulations once again on behalf of our staffs.
Director General =
Hern=E1ndez Martha Ag=FCela =
Atenci=F3n, por favor traducir personalmente a su idioma para poder entend=
er el contenido, y ponerse en contacto con su abogado Pedro Blanco Garcia a=
hora. Gracias.
Este mensaje (y sus anexos) contiene informaci=F3n confidencial ido a un d=
estinatario y objetivo espec=EDfico, que est=E1 protegido por la ley. Le in=
formamos que si no es el destinatario de la misma direcci=F3n, deber=E1 eli=
minar este mensaje y permanecer estrictamente prohibido cualquier publicaci=
=F3n, copia o distribuci=F3n de su contenido y desarrollar o ejecutar cualq=
uier acci=F3n basada en ella. Si usted es el destinatario, el uso de la inf=
ormaci=F3n que recibe, debe ser limitada al objetivo espec=EDfico para el c=
ual fue enviado.