From: "Honourable Senator" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:46:23 +0200
Hello my good friend,
It is great pleasure to write you this mail ,as I Hope This Message Meets You Well.
Well i want you to read carefully this message with good heart of understanding ,because i believe that you must have been receiving several mails offers of all kinds.but i want you to know that i wrote you this mail with absolute sincerity and i beseech you to believe what i am proposing .
Note that i am not imposing or forcing you to participate in proposal ,as it is something of your personal decision and as your spirit directs . ,
Nevertheless it is my honoured charge to convey to you this message of investment ,cooperation and great opportunity of our mutual benefit .
However i am Honorable senator Abdul .M. Hassan the ex senate committee chairman on Looted and recovered funds..i must confess to you that presently i am very sick,and i am under house arrest by the present government of my country for some investigation on funds miss management,and my communication to you right now is by opportunity and secret..
Therefore, Kindly understand me carefully,as i want you to assist me to receive and invest or safeguard some money in your country and also receive Box of Gold and Diamonds which i deposited in a private financial institution outside the country .(and That is why you will have to assure me of treating this proposed deal as top secret and kept alone to you.)
Also Note that this deal is absolutely risk free and clean without any implication whatsoever .so you have nothing to worry about.
Moreover, my plans is that when you receive you can invest the money which is $10million in a very lucrative business whereby any income from the investment will be shared between both of you will have 40% while 60% will be for me. or rather when you receive the said funds ,you just safeguard it for me and you have 40% for yourself for safekeeping and keep 60% for me .and the Gold and Diamond will now be shared equally 50/50
So With due respect , if you are ready and interested quickly get back to me so i can advise you on more information's for us to proceed with the deal.!!as This is strictly business and you are to have benefit of doubt and be extremely optimistic about achieving this venture . i believe you are competent to receive and invest this money/commodities. and i also promise you that you will never regret dealing with me.
Lastly make-sure you indicate your reachable tel number in your reply .But Note...that Your interest in this Business is still subject to your choice...OK!
Also note that before i proceed on this deal you will have to sincerely assure me of treating this venture as top secret ....please this is a great oportunity for both of us.OK!
i pray to hear from you immediately.
And With the assurance of my cordial esteem and regard, i remain
Yours Sincerely.
Hon Sen H. Mohammed ABDUL