From: "MONEYGRAM" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 11:18:26 +0100
Welcome to Money Gram Money Transfer Nigeria.
We sincerely appoligise for the delay or anything we
might have cost you during the process of confirmation, we
are just following normal proceedures governing our
Your Money Gram daily payment has been released, below is
the reference number to pick up your first payment of your
4,500,000,00 usd.
Sender Name: Carl Bowser
Reference Numbers: 60582879
You can track the above if available for pick up on our
Note: This is to notify you about the latest development
concerning all the payment that are left in our custody,
which yours are inclusive besides, where you are given a
bill of Sum in order to receive your payment which we
didn’t hear from you for sometime now. Hence, our MONEY
GRAM is now offering a Special BONUS to help all our
customers that are having their payment in our custody due
to of high prices. In other words we are now requesting
that those involved should
pay only the sum of $95. to receive all their payment
abandoned in our custody.
Besides, my dear, this is the opportunity for you to comply
and your funds shall be transfer to your designated
address. But remember that after (3 DAYS) you did not make
the payment then we will divert your funds to Government
Account, So to avoid problems, you have to send the fee
before 2days so that you can get your funds Released
without delay..
Again after (THREE DAYS) we will enter a new project for
the Month and that is
the reason why we decided to help all our customers before
we enter into the
new project.
So be advise to send the $95 immediately so that we will
register your payment
and start receiving $10,000.00, Therefore you are requested
to send the fee via Money Gram
money transfer with below information;
Receivers Name: John Okoro
Receivers Country: Nigeria
Receivers State: Lagos
Amount: $95
Send the reference numbers and senders name to the
verification officer James Walton: Email: as soon as you remit/send the fee.
Best Regards
Customers Desk.