Dear Sir/Madam,
The United Nations and United State Government in alliance with economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) head Office here in NIGERIA, We have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Western part of Africa With the help of United States Government and the United Nations. We have been able to track down so many of this scam artist in various parts of west African countries which includes (GHANA, TOGO, REPUBLIC OF BENIN, NIGERIA, CAMEROUN AND SENEGAL) and they are in our custody here in nigeria and We have been able to recover so much money from these scam artists.
The United Nation Anti-crime commission and the United State Government have ordered the money recovered from the Scammers to be shared among scam victims around the globe. Your email address was found in one of the scam Artists computer in our custody and you will be compensated with (US$550,000.00 / five hundred and fifty thousand dollar). Since you are a Beneficiary of (US$550,000.00 / Five hundred and fifty thousand dollar). Feel free to contact the officer in charge. Mr.Mark Fisher
Email Address: ( Telephone: +234-705-545-5884.
Fill in below these informations and send it via email to the account officer in charge. Name: Mr.Mark Fisher.
*Your Full name: __________________________________________________________________________
*Full Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
*Your mobile number: ______________Gender___________________________________________________
*Your age: _____________________________ Occupation: _________________________________________
*E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________________
*How many country have you visited: __________________________________________________________?
Best Regard,
Mr.James Cameron