From: "Mr. Marc A Hurtau" <"Marc.">
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 05:06:27 +0900 (JST)
Customs and Border Protection
Clevland Service Port
6747 Engle Rd,
OHIO, OH 44130
United States
Phone:: +1 (330) 356-7478
This is in response to your United Nation attorney written on 13th July, 2017, regarding her concerns about possible information partaining to your parcel in the Customs and Boarder Protection ( CBP ) records database, please allow me to address our findings.
With the information that was provided by your attorney, we conducted a search in IBIS database and have determine that there is a derogatory record of information relating to you on the file, and this file states that your OFFICIAL CHECK of $25, 000, 000.00 Million United States Dollars has been TEMPORARY WITHHELD on this office on 2nd June, 2017 for violation of shipping policy which states that any fund above $500, 000 United States Dollars which is being deliver within or outside the United States must carry International Monetary Fund Certificate.
IBIS is computerized list of names of known and suspected violators of CBP and other law enforcement agency laws. Our officers use IBIS, along with other enforcement criteria, as a tool in determining which parcel may warrant more than normal scrutiny when returning to or departing from the United States.
Though we have cleared your parcel from this office but while we cannot guarantee that your parcel will never be WITHHELD by other Law enforcement for protracted CBP Inspection, we recommend that you obtain the required International Monetary Fund Certificate and the legal service charge is $269 Dollars, this is for positive identification and clearance at any Check Point your parcel is screened and you should reasonably expect to receive your parcel within 3 working days once the required fee is sent this is par routine CBP processing and protocol.
You have 4 days to arrange for the required fee or confiscation of your parcel. If you are unable to accomplish any of the options, the parcel will be transferred to the US Treasury Department. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Customs and Boarder Officer at, for more details.
Here is the required fee summary for clarifications;
Clearance .............................. $93.00 Dollars
Administrative ........................ $176 Dollars
TOTAL......................................$269 Dollars
The total of $269 Dollars has been charged for the obtain a International Monetary Fund Certificate and in acknowledgement of this mail I shall provide you with the required information with which you will use to send the fee to our accountant here.
I appreciate your interest in Customs and Boarder Protection Policy and Protocol.
Mr. Marc A Hurtau,
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection.
U.S Customs and Border Protection
Clevland Service Port