From: "Mr.Joseph Ilams" <"okazaki.">
Reply-To: "Mr.Joseph Ilams" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 22:32:17 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Hello Dear,
Hello Dear,
I contacted you some years ago for a business deal worth some million of dollars which your friends discouraged you not do after you have initially showned interest but today to the glory of God I have successful concluded the deal and transferred the funds with the help of a new partner. Presently I'm in India for oil investment projects with him and I kept an ATM DEBIT VISA CARD of UsD1,500.000.00.(one Million, Five hundred Thousand United State Dollars),which you can withdraw your Fund at any ATM Machine in your location Worldwide,with maximum daily limit amount of USD2,000(Two Thousand United States Dollars) This fund is For your compensation towards your past effort in trying to help me move the fund.
So quickly contact my secretary.
Mr. Jordan Watts .
Email address:(
I may not have access to communicate with my secretary due to the oil investment project I have at hand here in India.I left him an instruction for your contact. This is your PIN CODE of the ATM DEBIT VISA CARD and it is only the card that my secretary will be sending to you.
Take Note:You will take care of the shipment of the ATM CARD to your country as i did not leave any physical fund with him for the shipment of the ATM CARD to you for security reasons.
Password 9022.
Best regards,
Mr.Joseph Ilams