From: "Email365" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 21:23:55 -0700
Dear Sir/Madam,
Assalamu'alaikum, we do crave your indulgence to intimate you that, the
International business market is now coming back to normalization and now
Is your opportunity and time to get funded on our variety of opportunities?
In foreign business global funding adventure created towards flight to
Safety business/projects returns, hitherto, all our dealings with our
Network partners are in strict confidence.
However, we do represent a group of very wealthy companies and families
Overseas and they are currently seeking means of expanding and relocating
Their business interests abroad in the aforementioned sectors, Petroleum,
Real Estate, stocks trading, mining, transportation, health, Communication
Services, Agriculture, Generating of Electricity or any other business
That might be of your personal interest.
Towards this development, if you think that, you have a solid background
And idea of making good profits in any of the above global business
Sectors as clearly stated and spelt out or any other business of your
Knowledge in your country; please get back to us as soon as possible for
Possible business orientation and co-operation with you.
In the final conclusion, we are ready to facilitate and fund any business
That is capable of generating good annual percentage interest in formation
Of returns on investment profile towards Joint Venture (JV) participation
Or DIRECT LOAN FUNDING facilitation regardless the amount, be rest assured
That we are ready, willing and able to stand and work directly with you on
Either of the propositions presented to you for our mutual benefits.
Accept our kind regards and be guided accordingly please.
Sincerely yours,
Dr Louie Saltsman