From: Elizabeth Kebble <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 19:29:42 +0700
Subject: Sorry is me Elizabeth.
Is me Elizabeth
Good Day! I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we
have never met before but based on what I am going through now, I feel
quite safe to deal with you in this regard though this medium Internet
has been greatly abused, however, I choose to reach you through this
source as it still remains the fastest medium of Communication.
My name is Elizabeth Brett_Kebble from Cape Town. I am I9 years old
and the only surviving child of my parent Roger Brett Kebble
.( My mother
died five 5 years ago while my father was murdered 12yrs ago by his
business associates due to disputes on assets and properties. We are
four children but three are kill by the same people left only me the
My father's business associate were after me over the assets and
properties as they found out that my father's lwayer had handed the
document where my father's property and assets was deposited in
London,i don't want to stay in South Africa as i don't want any trace
from anyone that knows about to me again
Presently, I am in a church for shelter as I have no one to run to.
Before my father gave up the ghost, he intimated me over a fixed
deposit of 1.5 Million Pound sterling fixed with his bank in London
which the document is here with me. Please, I need your assistance to
get this money transferred to any of your provided bank account in
your country for my education and up-bringing as the money is too much
for me to handle or manage for now as I am only 19.
I want you to be my guardian so that you can personally arrange for my
trip to your country once the transfer is made to your provided bank
account. I strongly believe you will be of immense assistance to
accomodate this transaction but please you don't have to take undue
advantage of my age to betray the trust I bestow on you. Remember the
version of the bible that says, what shall it profit a man to gain the
whole world and loses his soul.
I want you to accept me like your own child and take good care of me
until I grow up to be a woman. I am willing to offer you 20% of the
fund for your role/assistance while the remaining 80% you will invest
in your country and manage on my behalf until I am old enough to
manager the investment. I would have love to speak with you on phone
but I have no access to telephone for now and my only means of
communication is through the internet.
May God touch your heart and use you to bring back happiness and joy
to my life. I shall give you more details on the way forward as soon
as I hear from you. Thank you for your time and may God bless you.
Your's Sincerely,