From: walter oma <>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 00:40:46 +0200
Subject: Hello
You may be surprise to receive this mail since you don’t know me personally,
but with due respect, trust and humility, I write to you this proposal. I
am Walter Oma , the son of Mr…Dominic Oma of Dafur, Sudan. It is indeed my
pleasure to contact you for assistance of a business venture which I intend
to establish in your country.
I got your contact while I was doing a private research on the Internet for
a reliable and capable foreign partner that will assist me and my family to
transfer fund to his personal or private account for investment purpose
Though I have not met with you before, but considering the recent political
instabilities in my country, I believe one has to risk confiding in success
sometimes in life.
There is this huge amount of money ($15,000,000.00 million U.S dollars))
which my late Father deposited in Africa awaiting claim before he was
assassinated by unknown persons during this war in Dafur, Sudan. Now I have
decided to invest this money in your country or anywhere safe for security
and political reasons. I want you to help me retrieve this money for onward
transfer to any designated bank account of your choice for investment
purposes on any lucrative areas that will profitable.
We have to negotiate on what will be offered to you for assisting me to
handle this project while 25% will be for you annually from the profit of
the partnership company we are to establish .Please, read more on the news.
All I require is your honest & kind co-operation. I will give you further
details as soon as you show interest in helping me.
I wait for your kind consideration to my proposal.
Best Regards,
Walter Oma.
walteroma20@gmail .com