From: Mrs.Christine Lagarde <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 16:19:53 +0200
Subject: The International Monetary Fund.
Hello Beneficiary,
We would like to bring to the notice of the general public that several variants of financial scam letters purporting to be sanctioned by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or authored by high ranking IMF officials are currently in circulation, and may appear on official letterhead containing the IMF logo. The scam letters instruct potential victims to contact the IMF for issuance of a âCertificate of International Capital Transferâ or other forms of approval, to enable them receives large sums of monies as beneficiaries. The contact e-mail information is always BOGUS and unsuspecting individuals are then requested to send their personal banking details which the scammers utilize for their fraudulent activities.
Contrary to what is stated in these scam e-mails, letters, or phone conversations, the IMF does NOT authorize, verify, monitor, or assist in contract or inheritance payments between third parties and/or Governments, nor does it endorse the activities of any bank, financial institution, or other public or private agency. For purposes of clarification, the IMF is an inter-governmental organization whose transactions and operations are carried out directly with its member countries.
If you have already received such e-mails, you are advised to terminate all further contacts with the scammers, and in the event that you have sent them funds, you can contact Mr. Frank Daniel to assist you and have all complain forwarded to the EFCC in Nigeria.
We apologize for all loss and with the help of the Nigeria government, we where able to recover so much money from scammers, that is why we are compensating you with the sum of $5.000.000 US dollars, from the Nigeria government, to receive this payment, you are advised to contact out IMF officer Mr Frank Daniel. To assist you with the receive of your compensation payment,
Note: To receive your compensation payment, it would cost you just a $150 dollars for the setting up of an online baking account that needs to be setup to your name in Africa, to proceed, kindly contact our agent with your information needed below.
1. Full Name ..................................
2. Sex ................................
3. Residential Address .............................
4. Fax/ Phone Number ............................
5. Country ......................
6. your Identity card .................
kindly reconfirm the above information, it's for the benefit of your transaction.
Contact Name: Barrister Frank Daniel
Best Regards.
International Monetary Fund.
Mrs.Christine Lagarde
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