Have you received your long abandoned package......?
Kindly verify to us immediately if you have not received your first batch payment,so as to enable us qualify you
to be reimbursed with the higher sum of $15.6 million united states dollars second batch payment,via an automated
Premium Debit (ATM CARD), or to be transffered into your private bank account where by you can ony withdraw the
amount of $10.000 dollars daily with your Premium debit card and no charges bestowed..
You are advised to keep your (ATM CARD) withdraw pin code a secret,until you have received a valid activation alert
on your mobile phone number,before you can be able to access your card for withdraw processes.
We shall require your information below,for verification and re-accessment of your delivery status if your package has
not been delivered to your door step.
Full Names:
Present Country:
State & Zip code
House address:
Mobile Number
Your immediate response will be garanteed as soon as you provide the information above,enhancing a safe and sound
receiving of your package at your door step under 48 hours,as our delivery company includes the UPS, FEDEX, DHL etc..
Further proclaim regarding the package in terms of delivery fees and revenue tax input under custodian Dumorage charges
will be rendered by the receiver, so as to acquire an adequate delivery notification on your final proposals.
Awaiting upon your swift response,if you consider this information mutual as you forward your details to the contact person
via his private email address here.
Contact Person: Mr Lee Byrne
Email Address: l.byrne96@yahoo.com
James Bourgoson
Remittance Director
james tower building,California.