From: United Nation Compensation Commision <"UNCC.">
Reply-To: United Nation Compensation Commision <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 15:59:06 +0900 (JST)
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?FROM_THE_DESK_OF_Ant=C3=B3nio_Guterres._{UNSG}?=
Address: 405 East 42nd Street,
New York, NY, 10017, USA
Public Inquiries: (646) 817-5272
FROM THE DESK OF António Guterres. {UNSG}
Dear beneficiary.
How are you doing today? Hope this message meets you in good health. This is to inform you that your compensation funds at the tune of
$15,500,000.00 USD brought forward by the help of the United Nations is now ready to be transferred to you via bank to bank wire transfer.
NOTE: You are hereby advice to ignore all emails of the same format claiming to be in possession of your funds and requested
that you should pay a little or huge amount of money before your funds will be delivered to you, please do note that any email of such composition is fraudulent and you are to report such
individual to the concern security body for proper
investigation and arrest. The United Nation decided to contact you because of too much scam letters floating all over the internet and so we do not
wish to see you lose your hard earned money to the wrong people all in the name to obtain a certificate or whatsoever.Now, this is what you must do to have your funds conveyed to you, without
regard to your current bank account you are
strictly advice to open up a new bank account with a Federal Credit Union Bank as it is in affiliation with the UN Compensation body.
Provide the below informationâs and you will be guided on how to locate the
UN Affiliated bank in your state.
(1) Full Name:
(2) country/State:
(3) Phone number:
United Nation Secretary General.