From: "Mastercard Incorporation''" <"WWW2.">
Reply-To: "Mastercard Incorporation''" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 00:36:44 +0900 (JST)
Subject: DHL Express Service Notification Latter To You..
From: Hrn. Mrs. Sonia DILL
Managing Director
DHL Express Benin Services
Customers Service Hours--Monday to Saturday:
Office Hours Monday to Saturday:
Attention, Attention, Attention,
This is the DHL Express Benin Service Company mailing you in respect of your ATM INTERSWITCH CARD that Hrn. Mrs. Sonia DILL brought to this company to be delivered to you and before protocol commence we had a dispute with the (NICON) Insurance office about your insurance certificate but all have been settled.
We are happy to inform you that your ATM INTERSWICTH CARD that contains US$3,800,000,00 dollars' is among the 24 parcel's listed which is now in our office and also with your name as the receiver despise that we lost your residential address and we request that you re-send it to this office for safe delivery of your card Without hesitation.
To process your claims, be advised to provide and neatly fill out the necessary details as below to enable us process your parcel for delivery.
(1) Full Names: --------------------------
(2) Phone Line : ------------------------- (With Dialling Code)
(3) Country Of Origin : -----------------
(4) Age : --------------------------------
(5) Occupation : -------------------------
(6) Home Address : -----------------------
(7) Private E-mail : ---------------------
(8) A copy of I'D or Passport:
CONTACT PERSORN: Dispatch Manager
Mr. Steve Dennis
DHL Express Benin Service Company
You are required to contact the above E-mail address and request for the immediate delivery of your parcel in their safe custody.
NOTE : Please note that you will be charge only for the cost of the delivery.
Congratulations Once Again !!!
Best Regards,
Hrn: Mrs. Sonia DILL
United Nations Global Empowerment Program Commotions Benin Republic African Branch,