From: Markus Esly <>
Reply-To: Markus Esly <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 22:14:40 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: Good day to you
Dear Sir,
My name is Markus Esly, a British and an attorney. We are private solicitors to Mr. Dmitry Zakharchenko, who was the head of the Anti-Corruption Board in Russia.
You can read the link below to have full knowledge of the man.
He had entrusted in our care some documents of funds which he deposited with a private vault here in Europe and in some Banks, before the episode as expressed
in the link. His wife has given us instructions to look for an investor that could handle any of the funds on behalf of the family. I will reveal details of this
testament as soon as we agreed to deal on this transaction.
If you agree to this request and you have the capacity to handle this funds, you will be charge with the responsibility of receiving the funds with the deposit
document which I will present to you and negotiate a reasonable % to you from his wife.
The total amount deposited is much and I will give you details as soon as you indicate interest to work with us. Be advised to direct your response to
my official email: for further communication.
Please keep confidential.
Markus Esly
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