From: Barkev Hagopian <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 12:33:47 +0000
Subject: TRANSFER(WB/00017324/KTT)
My name is Mr. Barkev Hagopian. I was just transferred one month ago to work as the new Computer Scientist with the Financial Conduct Authority London United Kingdom. My unit is in charge of wire transfer through Key Tested Telex (K.T.T), and bank to bank wire transfer (swift system).
Several times in my computer I receive signals indicating that your payment is pending but for the fact that I would not like to sabotage the trust given to me to be in this position but After a serious taught, I decided to contact you not minding the risk of sending this message across to you. I have seen in my computer your document submitted in the process of transferring your fund and all the necessary approvals has been updated.
Now I can make this transfer to your designated bank account if you will promise me of my Security I will wire this without the knowledge of anyone. I have done this for Mr. Sven krauss from Thailand and till now he did not appreciate what i did for him. As soon as I wire this fund through (SWIFT PROCESS), I will appreciate anything from you as I am just starting life and will like to be like you. My job security is important to me and i will like you to follow my advice and please do not disclose this to anyone until the transfer is finally done. The only instrument I need right now is a new release hard diskette (COMPUTERONIC KTT DRIVE 3000 STORAGE FACILITY CAPACITOR 20137), which I will use to store all your information you can get it and send it across to me to enable me expedite action.
Note: I will be able to make a transfer of US$ 6.5 Million at once which depends on the storage capacity we can get.
After storing all your information on this diskette, I will immediately make transfer. I will achieve this within 24 Banking hours. This is the only way you will get your payment. On confirmation of the funds in your account, I will destroy the diskette and you dont have to let anyone know of this.
Please, send me a go ahead order immediately through my private e-mail address.
Mr. Barkev Hagopian
(Computer Director/ Crediting Unit)