CODE NUMBER: Microsoft/2443638394/YMHG
TICKET NO: Microsoft/2119383856/YMHG
WINNING NUMBER: Microsoft/77112131512/YMHG
Dear Lucky winner: Ref No: Microsoft/77112131512/YMHG
Microsoft Asia Pacific Online Corp. wishes to inform you that your e-mail accounts have been selected and therefore has made you one of our winners in the MICROSOFT ASIA-PACIFIC E-MAIL ONLINE SWEEPSTAKES PROMOTION.
MICROSOFT WINDOWS collects all the email addresses of the people who are active online; among the people who subscribed also to Hotmail, Msn, Aol, Gmail Yahoo & other Microsoft Webmail, we only select five people every year as our winners through an electronic balloting system without the winner applying. This comes as a result of your constant use of our online and ancillary services.
In case you still have doubts arising from the angle of how you got selected, note that the selection process was carried out through an electronic email ballot system where millions of email addresses where drawn from worldwide web email directories from which you have emerged as one of our lucky winners.
Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to the Microsoft Windows/Online Office. We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully pass the requirements, statutory obligations, verification's, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online winners.
A winning Check (Cheque) of $1,000,000 US DOLLAR has been issued in your name by the Microsoft Asia Pacific Promotion Award Team, and also a certificate of prize claims, Certificate of Origin of Funds, Letter of Invitation to our office will be sent alongside your winning Cheque.
Information's required from you are part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. To claim your won prize, please contact the Microsoft Asia Pacific Award claims Cordinator (Dr.. Joe Li Tong) neatly filling the Verification form below.
Dr.. Joe Li Tong,
Microsoft Asia-Pacific Award Cordinator:
First Name:
Last Name:
Residential Address:
Telephone/ Mobile:
Fax Number:
Date Of Birth (dd/mm/yr):
Occupation/Position Held:
Marital Status:
Amount Won:
Alternate Email:
Ever Won An Online Lottery Before? Yes/No
We congratulate you for being one of the selected winners, and we also felicitate with you and your family. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Internet Microsoft Windows.
Thanks & Regards
James Miklo.
Chairman, Organizing Committee
Microsoft Asia Pacific Promotion Award Team.©
Verified By Yahoo, Gmail, Msn, Hotmail!
BE WARNED: Do not reply if you are NOT the owner of this winning email address. Microsoft Corp. is worth over US$407 Billion with over 50,000 workers worldwide making it the best and most successful corporation around the globe.