I wish to invite you to participate as broker/agent to our individualized equity investment portfolio management program. We are a Dubai-based international investment company with a primary focus on private and public equity in the Middle East with over 500 billions of private and corporate investment portfolios.
We are privately looking for businessmen and women who will be willing to act as investment portfolio holders and administrators. We currently seeking means of expanding and relocating our business interest abroad by granting soft loans to both cooperate/private entities at a low interest rate of 3% ROI per annum in the form of Soft Loan in the following sectors: oil/Gas, banking, real estate, stock speculation and mining, transportation, health sector and tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture Forestry & Fishing,thus any viable sector and we wish to re-invest this fund by putting it into the management of private businessmen and corporations with good business ideas.
The fund will be disbursed based on a clear Soft loan term of 3% interest rate per annum for 5 years renewable tenure. All sign-up contracts briefings and investment portfolio management files will be handled in Dubai,UAE. Please contact us directly on intlinvestorsfirm@gmail.com for more details.