How are you today,
NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, it is because of the restrictions imposed by your Mail/Internet Service Provider, we urge you to treat it genuinely.
Hope all is well with you and your family? You may not understand why this email came to you. Its in regards to the recent meeting between the United Nations, Cyber Crimes Commission (CCc), Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) and the United States Government to restore the dignity and Economy of the Nations based on the Agreement to tlackle scam and freudelent act around the world.
This email come to those who are yet to receive their compensation/inheritance/winnings, We have been having meetings for the past 3 months in regards to people who have been scammed around the world, this includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or Compensation payments that failed due to Government problems etc. Recently we the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) arrested internet fraudsters and Scammers with large amount of money so if you are receiving this email its means you where selected to be compensated as a scam victim among 100 selected victims with part of the money recover from the internet fraudsters account, The UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate you with the sum of $1,000.000.00 USD (ONE MILLION DOLLARS).
Since your name appeared among the lucky beneficiaries you are kindly advise to Provide us with the information below to enable us start the process:
NOTE: Under normal circumstances, the collection of your Compensation funds has been approve by the IMF and the Finance Ministry, Therefore, the only obligation required of you by the laws of the Government of United States and the financial Monetary Policy of the Supreme Court, states that you as a beneficiary must officially obtain the irrevocable LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED from the Supreme Court of USA, as a means to justify the legitimacy, transparency and clean bill of funds from USA so that by the time your funds gets to you, no authority will question the funds as it has been legally certified free from all financial Malpractices and facets. The LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED is valued at a cost of just ( $320) The fee payment can be made through Western union or Money Gram Money Transfer here in the USA:
We guarantee you 100% safety and wish you the best of luck.
Best Regards,
Director Andrew G. McCabe
Director- General,
TELL: +1 518-291-1407
Email ( )