From: "Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin" <"www.">
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 09:37:38 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Your $5.5 Million Dollars Payment is due to release to you,
U.S Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220.
Your $5.5 Million Dollars Payment is due to release to you,
This message, is to inform you to contact Mrs. Janet L. Yellen in Federal Reserve bank New York USA. to receive your $5.5 million dollars payment.
The Federal Reserve Bank in United State will complete your $5.5 million dollars payment without any obligation. The bank will not be blame for not releasing this payment to you if you fail to contact them and follow their instructions after this message.
Upon your receipt of this message, contact Mrs Janet L. Yellen in Federal Reserve Bank with below information and ask her to release your $5.5 million dollars payment as I instructed you.
Contact Person: Janet L. Yellen,
Vice Chair Board of Governor Federal Reserve Bank
Email: (
Federal Reserve Bank System New York.
Address : 33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045,
Telephone :+1 (917) 336-5842 (TEXT or CALL)
Once you contact her with above information, she will process and release your $5.5 million dollars to you.
Thanks for your understanding.
Secretary Mr. Steven Terner Mnuchin
Tel: +1(202) 871-4209