From: Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 05:34:08 +0200
Subject: Chairman Emirates NBD
Hello Friend
I am sorry to contact you through this medium,I write to seek your services in a private confidential matter, My name is Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Managing Director and Board Member of United Emirates Bank Dubai. I have an important business discussion I wish to share with you, I write you this proposal in good faith hoping that I can rely on you.
I have in my bank the existence of a huge amount of money valued USD$35,000,000.00 that belongs to one of our decease customer,who happen to have the same surname as yours .and have your country in his file as his country of origin. The fund is now without any claim because the decease died in a deadly earthquake that occurred in Japan in 2011, leaving the fund in our bank without a Will beneficiary
Some directors here have been trying to find out from me the information about this account and the owner, but I have kept it closed because, I know that if they become aware that the deceased customer is now late, they will embezzle the fund. I am seeking for your help to present you to my bank as the Next of Kin/ heir to the decease account,since you have the same last name so that my bank head quarters will release the fund to you.
I have done enough inside bank arrangement and will only have to put in your details into the bank's database to reflect you as his Next of Kin. I am not a greedy person, after this transaction we shall share the funds equal, 50/50% to both parties. My share will assist me to start a charity organization to help the poor.There is no risk involved in this deal,it will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law, this transaction will be of a great mutual assistance to both of us and there are practically no risks involved.
Let me know your mind on this and please do treat this information as top secret. Contact me on my email ( ) for further details.
Have a nice day, and may Allah bless you.
I wait your urgent response.
Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Chairman Emirates NBD