From: Andrew R. Tochaile <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2017 18:07:09 -0700
Subject: Business Offer
Good day,
I am Andrew R. Tochaile, I would like to inform you of a business/deal worth millions of Dollars, which was left in an account by my late client and I would like you to be the beneficiary of the money.
Itâs unfortunate that I cannot claim these money myself without a neutral person, because it will look suspicious for me to claim the money as the lawyer of the deceased, so for this reason I need a sincere person who I can present to the bank as the beneficiary of the money because whatever I tell the bank is what they will believe. Trust me, as I will make this legal, so you do not need to entertain any fear or panic for any reason.
I will tell you more once you get back to me by confirming your readiness to proceed with me on this.
Andrew R. Tochaile
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